Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I love fall

This is my favorite season...FALL.
I love to watch the leaves change but I really don't enjoy being the one to rake them.
I enjoy cool nights where you need a jacket to go out but don't like the fact that I am missing my husband with whom I'd rather snuggle.
I love smores and popcorn by the fire but don't like smelling like smoke.
I like to sip hot chocolate on a cold morning but I wish I could make the calories disappear.
I enjoy eating a bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup but it always tastes better when I don't have to make it myself.
I love doing fun things with my girls but miss having my entire family together.

Fall reminds me of change. Trees lose their leaves, children start school, the weather gets cooler.... While change can be hard, challenging and even downright is good for us. It helps us to see what we are made of. If you asked me almost a year ago if I thought I could manage my home, children and additional responsiblities that were once my husband's for a whole year without him...I would have not really been sure what to say or how to respond. I would have hoped to say YES...but I know my weaknesses. We are at the very end of this deployment and I must say that the change I have gone through this year has made me a better person. I person who is more dependent on the Lord and knows where to turn when I feel like I just can't go on anymore. I am very excited though a little anxious for the upcoming change that will be taking place in a few husband returning from his year long deployment. I am excited to have him back home but not quite sure how two people who have lived apart for almost a year will mesh back together. Even though I am a little apprehensive, I know that just as He has in the past, that God will see us through.

Are you in the midst of changes in your life right now? Have you allowed God to work in and through you? Having Christ in your life makes a difference. He doesn't make our worry or problems disappear but he gives us the strength and courage to face them as He is there for us...sometimes carrying us through. Embrace what this life offers you and meet it head on with God on your side. It not about just getting to the desintation but It's all about the Journey.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Tragedy at Fort Hood

I have been struggling with what to post...whether or not to post. We live on post here at Fort Hood. We were home last Thursday when the events unfolded at the SRP building, just over a mile away. Normally on Thursdays, we are usually off post for a homeschool co-op, but co-op had ended just the week before and we were home. Our plans for last Thursday included an afternoon playdate and dinner out with the girls. At approximately 2:20PM, as we were loading up the mini-van with meals for pregnant friends, returns to the department store and kids and their jackets, the emergency sirens here on post began to go off. I looked at my watch and thought...that's strange, they ususally test the system on Wednesdays at 12:00 Noon. The announcement that followed the sirens was " Seek shelter immediately, stay away from doors and windows". I looked up at the sky and thought, I don't know why they are saying that, it's a bright and sunny day, I don't see any storms let alone a possible tornado. A neighbor across the way yelled out her front door, "get inside and lock your doors." So I attempted to take my kids out of their car they kicked and screamed, wanting to get in the car and go to their friends house to play. As I reached the front door, my oldest handed me the phone. It was a friend who lived in a nearby town, asking if I had heard the news...there was a shooting on Fort Hood at the Readiness Center, seven people had been killed. We finished the phone call, got everyone into the house and closed and locked all the doors and shut the curtains and blinds. As I turned on the TV, it was all over the news. There was so much speculation going around, I didn't know what was truth and what was rumor. Was there another gunman out there?

As we tried to occupy ourselves in our quiet dark home, I prayed for the safety of my family. Phone calls, emails, text messages and facebook comments kept popping up and coming in. For the next five hours, until lockdown was lifted, I learned to trust in the protection of the Lord. People prayed with me on the phone and prayers were lifted up for us by friends far away. The days prior to and including Thursday, my quiet time with the Lord, included a devotional book titled, "Faith Deployed; Daily Encouragment for Military Wives". I had just read a devotion entitled, Already Written. A quote from that devotional says, "Whether they are home or abroad, God's plan for us is already written; we cannot do anything to change it!" The next day's devotional was on "The Sting of Death". How timely were these devotions in my quiet time last week. I had no idea for what the Lord was preparing me. I did not lose anyone in the attack that took place on Fort Hood on November 5th, but many people did or they knew someone who was there. I need to be ready to respond to those who are lost and hurting, with a meal, a hug, a kind word. We are called to bring hope to the hopeless. I want to always be ready to meet the need that I am confronted with, no matter what that need may be.

My husband's unit lost a soldier in the tragic shooting last week. I had never met her but Angel knew her. He described her as "a wonderful and delightful person." Please continue to pray for my husband's unit as they mourn the loss of one of their own here at home.

I need to remember that we live in a fallen and sinful world. Without Christ, people are lost. I pray that in the midst of this tragedy, that those who are hurting find comfort and hope...that they find healing for their hurts. That they find a relationship with the true God.

Remembering the Fallen and Wounded at Fort Hood